This is how and where my entrepreneurial vision contributes to preserving the fish stock to feed generations.

Entrepreneurship Board Game for Rural Women
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COVID-19 Board Game for Mexican Population
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Fempower Mexico
I founded in March 2018 Fempower Mexico—now evolved into Fempower Latam—with the vision to empower rural women with entrepreneurship and tech education to become the leaders, business owners and female founders who regenerate the planet and the economy. Through partnerships with governments and NGOs, we’ve expanded our impact across Chihuahua, Campeche, Tabasco, and most recently Mérida. Our goal is simple: to provide women and young girls with free access to training, infrastructure, mentorship, educational resources and mobilising financial resources to develop sustainable entrepreneurship, whether as individuals or within their communities.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Architecture and Building "Red Emprende Tabasco"
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